Yes they are. If you would like a statement of your fees paid over a financial year, please contact membership via phone on (08) 8360 1900 or email
Your first point of contact at the AWU is your job site delegate / shop steward and then your organiser if required.
If you have a problem at work please contact them as soon as possible and they will advise you of the relevant steps to take.
Your first point of contact at the AWU is your job site delegate / shop steward and then your organiser if required. Please get in contact with them as soon as possible and they will advise you of the relevant steps to take.
Also click here for information about workers compensation from the AWU or visit workcover
Your first point of contact at the AWU is your job site delegate / shop steward and then your organiser if required.
Please get in contact with them as soon as possible and they will advise you of the relevant steps to take.
We offer many courses throughout the year. Click here to see our current schedule.