Employment Legislation


There is a range of employment legislation that effects workplaces across Australia.

There is a range of employment legislation that effects workplaces across Australia.  Below you can find a list of some the legislation that has jurisdiction across Australian workplaces.

In addition to each of the employment Acts which apply and are listed below, there are numerous Acts in each State which protect people from discrimination. These Acts are different in each State. To search the differing legislation relating to discrimination try searching the Australasian Legal Information Institute.


Fair Work Act 1994 (SA) – An Act about the relationship of employer and employee in the South Australian jurisdiction. This Act only applies to employees of the State government.


  • Fair Work Act 2009 – This act creates a national workplace relations system that is fair to working people, flexible for business and promotes productivity and economic growth.
  • Legislation in the Employment and Workplace Relations Portfolio – Links to the previous Workplace Relations Act 1996, Acts and Bills amending it, and other legislation administered by the Dept of Employment and Workplace Relations
  • Sex Discrimination Act  and the Racial Discrimination Act – These acts and others protect people from discrimination
  • Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth) – An Act to require certain employers to promote equal opportunity for women in employment, to establish the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency and the office of the Director of Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace.