Firstly, thank you to all those that supported this year’s Members Raffle aiding the McGrath Foundation. I am pleased to report with the proceeds of the Raffle and the Donation authorised by the Unions Branch Executive, over $20,000 was raised. I also take the opportunity to congratulate the below winners of the Raffle on their success and wish them well:

1st Prize Winner Paul Harris and Branch Secretary Peter Lamps

2nd Prize Winner Mark Haby and Assistant Branch Secretary Gary Henderson

3rd Prize Winner Marinus Loots and Branch Secretary Peter Lamps
On behalf of the members, I also take the opportunity in thanking our supporters:
For their ongoing support during this difficult time and advise that we anticipate holding our traditional Annual Members Dinner next year on Saturday November 5th 2022.
Yours fraternally,
Peter Lamps
Branch Secretary
Australian Workers Union

AWU Branch Secretary Peter Lamps and Industrial Officer Ren Lee drawing names for the 2021 SA Branch Members Raffle